September 7, 2008

  • suddenly, an impact occurs


    The heart is lost (again)
    the will is determined (like day to night)
    ah, the wind of my soul.

    Temptation is lost                                                                       – su
    greed determined                                                                        – an impact
    everyone says, ‘give me this and more’                                         – occurs!

    Lost evaluations in the wind,
    and sensations be my world-
    marriage is a greeting word.

    My last prose
    sometimes words escape
    and actions encourage with good beat.

    Oh NO-
    mood too high, then too low,
    a prisoner of words.


    I am sorry there has been a long gap, before my previous poem was published. But I had to change the method
    as the old way of being inspired by a picture did not work, the new way here involves the picture being inspired
    by the poem. To create the image I used THE WORKS which is a free plugin for photoshop. The poem has a philosophy which I update a lot at:

    the forbidden truth

March 7, 2008

  • Pity As Faith, Then faith As Love, Then false Love As Real Love

    Reap the wind from directions unknown,
    cast a spell that hears no name.

    Let fright be known,
    and dust be cast.

    What was will union again,
    let waves crash against rocks.

    Sell thy soul for a joke or two, and walk with thy head in the air,
    and pray for fairness to the great one.

    Let cunning be not lost, they seek like foxes.
    Truth can hide in unknown depths.

    Cast a spell, and throw Runes in the air,
    ask the air – in the air where coins are thrown, I-Ching.

    Sell doubt to the highest bidder,
    hope with despair…

    Karma may seem as dada,
    but where does thy map come from?

February 1, 2008



    Show me the double meaning,
    then the triple meaning,
    then I find the simple meaning.

    Swim to the left, and right -
    and doubt not, push a button,
    you have nearly made it.

    Play that double meaning Captain Pugwash,
    play with me on the Magic Roundabout,
    then we will see Bagpus.


    Dorothy, where is the yellow brick road?
    I am the straw man.
    I am the lion, but I am not the tin man.

July 10, 2007

  • People care and do not care at the same time but … in the alleyway

    A whisper can say so much,
    and desire clings, like I care so and so…

    Wash the clothes of the heart,
    before the strange feeling comes in.

    Forward without grief;
    you have found money but what next?

    Lets not try to impress,
    as I have still lost my voice.

    Should I set a private appointment with the hospital-
    there is gossip on me at work – I know.

    My head hurts with so much thinking,
    it goes around in circles.

    Shadow haunt me not,
    is Blood Diamond a true story?

    People care and do not care at the same time.
    No more Irish bombs, but Islam is heated up.

    Would not hostility increase in Iraq?
    For invasion is not protecting privacy.

    Right or left, it’s all a mess,
    I was reading about Israel when the world was young!

    One thing is for sure, I wanted the world to start well this millennium-
    but such thoughts fell back onto me like bombs.

    Say a joke, and have a look,
    but be Jack the lad.

June 9, 2007



    To rest in such noise,

    but every thing has its price – angony in the heart.

    Lost am I in the spaces between.

    Playing hide’n seek – agony in the head.

    Come to me from beyond desire,

    endless is the wind, but my weather vane points to the sky.

    Free me from endless spaces,

    but I know the cosmos is bright!


May 8, 2007

  • Desire never to be understood as much rot is hidden in cuteness

    Return to the place that is deep,
    free from expectations,
    and trying to say too much.

    My DNA my guide,
    only impress in whispers-
    today I be like a ghost in life.

    Desire never to be understood,
    for they seek qualifications and dullness,
    give me the simple life.

    Sing not your praises, sing nothing-
    be yourself by not being yourself,
    tip-toe in life.

    People die here and there in this planet,
    some die laughing, and some die crying,
    and some pass in peace.

    Some hate, and some love,
    where do I lie?
    am I creep or sweet…

    Some find so much love in love
    and…so many tears follow;
    they reach for a dream that cannot be reached.

    Then people ask why I wonder?
    I should live more!
    But I see that hidden dagger in your hand.

    So much respect for position,
    so much is hidden,
    why pretend to be a flower in a Garden Of Eden.

    Jealousy in my past,
    excuses in the present,
    and me here.

    So many wars,
    so many deaths,
    but wars reflect culture.

    I have never watched a war to entertain myself,
    there are more innocent things-
    music will not save the world.

    Much rot is hidden in cuteness,
    there is a hidden beauty that is difficult to understand,
    more than just a waywardness from the path.

    Only sad people pretend to be a happy,
    do not judge the slow walkers, but care.
    Do not forget your service by your desires.

    Nobody is popular,
    Mr Popular only has the impression of Mr Popular,
    snack, crackle and pop.

    Make entertainment from philosophy,
    sing around a campfire,
    you know, burn your conscience.

    Buy yourself through life and choose sides,
    but credit cards are only cards,
    but dreams are more than dreams.

    So much nudity on the net,
    people seek a night of passion on flowers and roses,
    but keep your tongue in your mouth.

    More differences do not mean more wars,
    for brother fights brother, sister attacks sister,
    true friendship is a hard challenge.

    Create rapport, and be pretentious,
    sell to the desire to be accepted,
    sell oneself to the highest bidder.

    Bullets are also fired outside war,
    it is no secret,
    as labels are fire, you know.

April 20, 2007

  • sink not to a joke

    Desire does not grip my heart.
    Rise, rise, but do not look up.

    Challenge thy horizon,
    sink below them subtle waves.

    Am I private?
    Am I what…

    Reason matter not, rise the tides,
    swim the shores.

    Sink not to a joke,
    rise, rise, but do not look up.

    Look again, is it obvious-
    turn around to think again.

April 2, 2007

  • Peace Poem Or Close Doors Quietly

    Peace be between spaces.
    Keep my privacy warm,
    and allow good spirit to fulfill me.

    Peace be inside of me,
    I forgive everybody,
    peace for you and me.

    The machine wars against the heart,
    the machine wars against the freshness of life -
    seek good praise.

    Walk outside on your road,
    see the expressions on their faces;
    they only express their faces.

    Do you have a blaming face?
    Do you have a killing face?
    Or simply a cheeky face!

    Wear a good expression on your face.
    Where one’s privacy as underwear in one’s expression.
    What is your expression?

    Allow it to dissolve,
    feel it, and give it love.
    Allow your expression to breathe.

    Forget your age, but not your youth -
    forget bad expression, remember your good mood:
    rage against the machine.

January 3, 2007

  • Tense my soul, a wind blows my will.


    Endless is the spirit,
    echoes follow me-
    challenge thy spirit.

    Questions play hide and seek,
    alone down a spirited path;
    but be a wind for my will.

    On this boat the consciousness,
    in this body that serves:
    and all serves me for I serve my will and not others.