October 2, 2012

  • One Word

    I’m posting this here for now because my websites/youtube channels and blogs aren’t really ready to be used again. I mean they are but not to the degree I want them. And Facebook has no blog section anymore. Xanga was the quickest to upload to but since this blog has always been “syndicated” ie posted on multiple servers [Livejournal, Blogger, Blogspot, etc etc], I may post this to all of them.


    Claudio [CMaddoxBiitch] posted a video version of this. I think the video response will be a lot funnier but in the interest of doing it right away without having to upload and edit and post, I’m going to post a blog response. It’s called “One Word” it is similar to any other survey or tag except you can only answer or describe the question or prompt in one word. It’s harder than it seems. I think I only had to cheat and elaborate once or twice. I’m gonna tag anyone that read this to do it and post it to their blog, Youtube or Facebook.

    1. Where’s your cell phone? Purse

    2. Your boyfriend or girlfriend? Married

    3. Describe your hairstyle. Big

    4. What about your mother? Phenomenal

    5. Your father? Sucessful

    6. What’s your favorite thing? Aspiring [I'm going to assume this is favorite thing to do as opposed to a physical object because Claudio's answer was "Entertaining" which is probably what I would have put if he hadn't already.]

    7.Your dream last night? Nonexistent

    8.What’s your favorite drink? Latte

    9. Your wildest dreams? Omnipotence

    10. What room are you in? Office

    11. Talk about your ex. Which?

    12. Your biggest fear. Death

    13. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Everywhere

    14. Where were you last night? Home

    15. What are you not? Mediocre

    16. What’s your current state of mind? Optimistic

    17. The weather outside? Rainy

    18. Where did you grow up? South

    19. What’s the last thing you did? Nurse

    20. What are you wearing? Leggings

    21. What’s on your tv? Smallville

    22. What about your pets? Family

    23. Your computer? Lifelines

    24. Your life? Unfinished

    25. Your current mood? Determined

    26. Are you missing someone? Always [see #4]

    27. Your car. Multiple

    28. Your summer. MOMMY!!!

    29. Do you have a crush? Looking

    30. Your favorite color. Gold

    31. When was the last time you laughed? Bedtime

    32. Last time you cried? Saturday

    33. Last phone call? Ran

    34. Last bar or club you were at? Unsure

    35. Least favorite person? 5th

    36. The person you would love to see right now? Mom [as well as someone else and as far as he/she goes, I'd like to plead the 5th on that as well.]

    37. Your best friend? Family

    38. Your cell phone carrier. Sucks

    39. Your favorite vacation spot. Coast

    40. Do you want kids? Cordilia!! <3

    Kisses!! xoxo

January 30, 2011

  • I’m Back



    Just finished re-purchasing my premium account so that I could actually add people to view the blog. On Xanga unlike on Livejournal, someone can’t automatically read your blog just because you add them as a friend. You have to go in and manually add them. SO — if you would like to read my blog posts whether you are my friend already and just can’t read or I haven’t added you at all, feel free to leave a comment right here and I’ll add you right away. My domain will be up in about another month or two and even then I’ll probably still be “syndicated” and posts copies of my entries here and on my other accounts such as Livejournal. For those who can read my blogs but haven’t been because I haven’t updated, I plan on updating much more regularly. And if you want to read but don’t have a Xanga acccount, until my website and collective is up, you can add me on Livejournal.

    Also I’m on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube daily. And my other projects include a blog for Avant Debutante which will eventually be my online magazine/Youtube channel and social networking site, Irreproachable Dreams, my blog about eating disorders and Surveysive which is just for surveys and the like. Much more to come and there are many places to find me online. If you can’t see the links to the side, that means you have access to my blog so log out and come back and you will see the list of all the places I can be found [as well as some other modules that I think are sweet]. I may also syndicate this to Blogspot so that people there can follow me. Let me know if there’s someplace that you have an account and would like to be able to read my blog. Until then, kisses. I hope to build a new base of readers as well as reconnect with the people who have been with me online for years.


    Kisses, my loves.

February 11, 2010

December 1, 2006