November 6, 2009

  • Whew! BUSY day! Radio interview w/an author, learning new tasks at work while multi-tasking answering the phone, talking on air & entertaining talkative walk ins that come right when we’re supposed to close and have prayer time on air & finish projects due on Monday all with in 2 hours. Thanks Patrick for bringing me Starbucks! And thank you Jesus for a job that I love & for friends that helped me move a heavy desk tonight after work. Now I can colapse on the couch in my pj’s.

August 17, 2009

  • 6 months!

    6 months! Wow, I can’t believe it’s been six months since I last updated by xanga. I suppose facebook and twitter have officially stolen my attention. Plus, I just don’t have that much to ramble about anymore. Or maybe I’m just not much of a rambler anymore…I like facebook and twitter because I can sum things in up in a one sentance status update, I like that, straight and to the point.

     Life is good…still working at the radio station, my dream job! Started going to a new church in Cartersville that I really like.

    On vacation this week but instead of going anywhere I’m going to save money and do a “staycation”. Just stay home and sleep in every day, go to the lake and the pool and the movies. Should be a good time!

    There, that’s about as much rambling as I can bring myself to do! lol sorry faithful xangan readers, hope I’m not too much of a dissapointment.

March 17, 2009

  • Happy St.Patrick’s Day!!!
    St. Patrick’s Day is known as a day of celebration and festivities, but very few people know the TRUE story of St. Patrick and who he really was.

    Being of Irish decent and having a fondness for all things irish, I’ve decided to share with you the TRUE facts about St.Patrick and why we celebrate St.Patrick’s Day.

    St.Patrick was actually one of the first Christian missionaries in Ireland.

    Originally from Britain, St. Patrick was kidnapped by Irish immigrants when he was 16 years old, and and sold as a slave where he worked in Ireland for 6 years. While Patrick worked there as a shepherd, he developed a deep faith in God, sometimes praying up to 100 times per day.

    After six years the Lord spoke to Patrick in a dream and helped him escape from his captives and return to Britain.

    He then served as a deacon in Britain, just as his father and grandfather did. After many years, he returned to Ireland to begin what is now known as a very successful Christian missionary campaign. After his success, he was named the patron saint of Ireland.

    It is said that Patrick used the shamrock(a 3 leaf clover) as a symbol to explain the Trinity to Unbelievers, i.e., how God is One God in Three Persons.

    Patrick would hold up a shamrock and challenge his hearers, “Is it one leaf or three?” “It is both one leaf and three,” was their reply. “And so it is with God,” he would conclude. One of the leaves represented the Father, the second the Son and the third the Holy Spirit.

    March 17 is said to be the day that Patrick passed away, and so each year on this date people celebrate in rememberence of him and the many people he brought to the Lord.

    If you’d like to learn more about St.Patrick, you can read his autobiography, which is called Confession.

September 5, 2008

September 2, 2008

  • Back to my natural hair color

    So as many of you know I have an addiction to dying my hair…(I’ve dyed it anywhere from black to red to blonde to brown to all 4 at once!) But I realized that I’m only in my 20′s and I’ve already dyed my hair so many times that I wondered if I kept up the addiction of dying it so frequintly by the time I’m 40 my hair would be fried to a frizzle, sooo I am going to try and break the addiction!

    I made a pact that I’m going to try and get my hair color dyed back to my natural dirty blonde/light golden brown color by Jan 1st, 2009(I realize it might take 2-3 times of dying it to get it back to my natural color so I’m giving myself 4 months to do that) and that I will not allow myself to dye my hair at ALL during 2009. I asked a couple of my friends to hold me accountable and Nancy even said that if i dye my hair again she will sneak into my room and shave my head at night, lol, so that’s some good motive NOT to dye my hair again!!

    So yesterday was step one towards my natural hair color..I got it pretty close, it’s just got a little bit of a red tint to it that my natural color doesn’t have, but it’s pretty close so I think after a couple more dirty blonde dyes over the next few months I should have it back to my natural color(or close enough that I could grow it out with out too obvious notice)by Janurary 1st.

    Wish me luck!

    (PS. My profile picture is what it looks like now after dying it yesterday)


August 20, 2008

  • One of my coworkers at the radio station interviewed Kirk Cameron over the phone today and when he called I answered the phone, he was really nice! I think it’s so cool that he and his sister, Candace(she played DJ on full house and he was in Growing Pains)are both strong christians and use their fame to glorify God and lead other’s to Him…it’s very encouraging!

August 5, 2008

July 21, 2008

  • Weekend Review

    Whats up my xanga homies? Hope y’all had a good weekend!

    Mine was great…very busy, but good!

    I’ve still been going to 2 churches, one on saturday, and one on sunday, and involved in music at both so that keeps me really busy. (But I love it!)

    I lead worship for a women’s event on saturday morning and that went well, I put an all girl worship band together last minute and that went really well, thanks again to all the girls that helped me out!

    Then later on saturday I headed over to the other church where I lead worship for small group which was fun, I also just became the co-leader of that small group so I’m glad to be able to help in that way, too.

    After small group was church and we had a guest speaker, Apostle Wilson, who was really good..then after church we had a game night at the Coverts which was fun..we played pictionary, which I hadn’t played in years and it was alot of fun, especially when Mel drew a picture of a “person, place and thing” which was actually the TOPIC and not the word she was supposed to draw which was HILARIOUS(sorry mel, I couldn’t resist telling..that was just so funny!!! You know I love you, though!)and when Jospeh was supposed to draw a Muscle car he drew a “MUSIC car’ that was pretty funny too..and I had to draw a picture to make people guess the word “caffiene” that was fun..I drew a cup of coffee and a person running fast and they guessed it, lol, that was fun. We should play that game more often!

    Sunday mornin I played guitar/sang in the worship band at my other church which was fun, and I’ll actually be leading worship twice next month on sunday mornings for the main church service while the worship leader’s out of town so that’ll be fun, I’m looking forward to that!

    Saw the movie “the dark knight” last night with Nancy & Dan, it was really good, definitely worth seeing on the big screen!

    We’re doing fundraising this week at the radio station where I work so I’ll be working 3pm-10pm Monday through Friday of this week. Speaking of which, I better get back to work so I’ll talk to y’all later, peace out my faither xanga readers! Leave me some lovin!(comments!)



July 15, 2008

  • Looking 4 a female drummer 4 this Saturday!

    I’m leading worship at a Christian Women’s Conference in Cartersville, GA, this Saturday, July 19th, at 10am, and my drummer backed out on me. I’m trying to put together an all girl band, so if you know any female drummers in Georgia that might be interested, please let me know!